01 June 2020

Father’s Day is your opportunity to show your dad just how much you appreciate him. Dads are best known for their life advice, being handymen, and most notoriously for their dad jokes. If you’ve ever told your dad that you’re hungry, he most likely gave you the classic dad response, “Hi hungry, I’m dad.”

This Father’s Day, instead of buying your dad power tools and socks switch, it up and try something different. Take some time to reconnect with your dad by tackling a DIY project together or ask him to teach you valuable life skills like how to check the oil in your car. It’s a great way to spend quality time together and create long-lasting memories.

Below are a few fun activities you can do with your dad this Father’s Day:

DIY with dad
When a light you’ve never seen starts flashing in your car or your fridge starts making a funny sound, who are you going to call? Most likely your dad (a.k.a. your go-to handyman). If your dad is quick with his toolbox, tackling a DIY project might be right up his alley. You could build a coat rack that can be hung up in the entrance hall or be a bit more daring and try building a coffee table or armchair from scratch. Alternatively, you could take up a long-term project that only you and your dad work on, such as renovating an entire room or creating a ‘man cave’ in his garage or garden shed.

Father’s Day Olympics
If your dad enjoys being active and has a competitive streak, set up a special Father’s Day Olympics just for him. You and your dad can compete in fun games together such as three-legged races or a friendly arm-wrestling match. You could even go the extra mile and set up an indoor golf course. Don’t forget to keep score and have a ceremony for the winner. As an extra motivator set the stakes high and make the loser do the dishes for a week. Hopefully, Father’s Day Olympics can become a tradition to be carried on for years to come.

Virtual Party
For those who aren’t able to physically be with their dad because of the national lockdown, you can set up a virtual party on the social media platform of your choice. Although you won’t be able to do activities together, you can still spend time connecting and sharing your favourite memories with your dad. As a fun twist, have everyone joining the virtual party dress up in their best dad-inspired outfit.

Life lessons

The best advice is “dadvice”, backed by years of experience and knowledge that has been passed on from generation to generation. This Father’s Day, ask your dad to teach you all of the life lessons he was taught growing up. This might be the perfect time to learn how to change a tyre, fix a leaking toilet or learn how to hang a shelf. Not only will this allow your dad to reminisce, but he’ll feel appreciated and, as a bonus, you’ll learn a new skill.

Dad joke battle

The infamous dad joke has either left you laughing until you cry or shocked by its dryness. Use your exposure to dad jokes to your advantage and challenge him to a joke battle. This is a great way to have a good laugh with your dad and see who can come up with the funniest joke – winner will be crowned the Ultimate Dad Jokester.

Regardless of what you decide to do with your dad this Father’s Day, memories will be made, and love will be shared. Even if your dad doesn’t show it, he’s pretty sentimental and loves being a part of your milestones. When you’ve decided to start searching for your next home, let your dad tag along with you when you go house hunting. With his experience, he’ll know exactly what questions to ask your real estate agent regarding the property.


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