05 March 2019

The only thing limiting your ability to decorate your new-born’s bedroom is how far your creativity stretches. But, as free as you are to decorate however you choose, are there any mistakes homeowners can make when getting the room ready for the new addition to their family?

As fun as it can be to decorate your child’s bedroom, consider how quickly your child will outgrow the space. To avoid costly renovations for every milestone birthday, stick to neutrals and rather add elements of playfulness through decorative touches that can be easily replaced as the child grows. Avoid getting too creative with the permanent fixtures of the room, such as the built-in cupboards, flooring and ceiling. There are plenty of other ways to make a room feel kid-friendly without installing polka dot carpets or having the ceilings painted with the night’s sky. In fact, a busy ceiling might even stimulate a baby lying on its back in its crib rather than lull it to sleep.

As tempting as it might be to paint the whole room hot pink or bright blue, the darker or brighter the shade of paint, the trickier it will be to repaint in a more neutral shade without having the colour shine through. Pale pastels, on the other hand, are playful enough to suit a nursery but also neutral enough to allow future buyers to envision alternative uses for the space should the home go up for sale while the baby is still young. As a bonus, research suggests that pale colours have a calming, lulling effect on the human psyche which can aid restful sleep.

Wooden and laminated flooring in bedrooms are becoming increasingly popular, particularly in newer developments. But, while they are easier to clean (which can be helpful in a children’s bedroom), they are often noisier than carpets, which is less than ideal when you want to check in on a sleeping infant. Area rugs might be a great solution to dampen the sound and simultaneously add a bit of playfulness into the room, since these can be easily replaced if you need to sell or if your child outgrows it.

As much as it is possible to transform any space into a nursery superficially, not every room practically lends itself well to housing a sleeping infant. A picture-perfect nursery that happens to be against the wall of noisy neighbours or a busy part of the home, or is far removed from the main bedroom and the kitchen (keeping in mind you’ll need to wake up regularly for nightly feeds) will make parents’ lives miserable for the first few years of their child’s life. In these instances, it is better to relocate than to redecorate.

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