30 September 2019

During any recovery, emotional wellness needs to be tended to in the same way as physical wellness, particularly if you have to endure a lengthy recovery period from home. Being removed from normal routines and being confined to your own home can have some seriously damaging mental effects – even worse so if you are not happy with where you live.

A research study investigated what being positive means for patients undergoing treatment for cancer. According to the findings, Cancer patients described having a pleasant environment at home as one of the factors which contributed towards a positive attitude during the treatment process.

Below are a few things you could try to create a positive environment for your recovery period at home:

Fix the irritations in your home
Hire a handyman to fix any of the things that might be irritating you about your property, from squeaky floorboards and cupboard doors that won’t close, to chipped paint or mouldy grout. When spending a lot of time in your home, these small things can begin to infuriate you. Fixing these irritations can contribute towards keeping you in healthier spirits during any recovery period.

Lighten up your space
Dark and gloomy spaces should be renovated to help lift the mood of the home. To avoid the paint fumes that result from repainting dark rooms, try and introduce some lighter shades (such as white, beige, yellow or any other colour that is bright and cheery) in the form of mats, cushions and curtains. Also, make sure the space is well-lit by adding lamps or replacing bulbs that have dulled over time.           

Tackle small DIY projects
Boredom and lack of purpose is another factor which can negatively affect one’s mood while recovering from home. Tackling small home projects that do not require any physical exertion – for example, DIY craft projects or sewing cushion covers – can help fill the day and keep spirits up while recovering from any illness.

Reach out for support
As much as updating the home can be a helpful distraction from an illness, this is just a small way to cope with the very real struggle of recovering from home. The most important part of a recovery is to have support. This can come from both your family and friends as well as from professionals and support groups.

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