01 June 2020

Industries might be able to re-open at level 3, but that doesn’t mean that the threat of COVID-19 has disappeared. Businesses will still need to operate according to the various health and safety regulations to prevent the spread of this disease.

Below are the recommended guidelines for the safe re-introduction of real estate services:


Open Homes & Private Viewings

  • No open homes or show houses will be allowed under Level 4 or Level 3. We suggest that this should only be allowed under directives at Level 2.
  • Private viewings strictly by appointment only and with the consent of the client and property occupants. Estate agents will ensure that only buyers who are serious about making an offer on a property or are in the process of making an offer, are given a private viewing.
  • The number of private viewings per day can also be limited to only 2 per day and surfaces can be cleaned between viewings.
  • Consider online viewing methods (virtual tours, video conferencing software) where possible
  • Pre-registration and recording in a register of all private viewing attendees. With the written consent of the person being captured in a declaration, the agent will capture a copy of the identity document (for instance photo) and record the physical address and phone numbers to assist with contact tracing. This register will contain details of the time, date and address of the visit.
  • All attendees to be e-mailed COVID-19 information beforehand, including hygiene expectations
  • Information to include instructions that the private viewing is ‘contactless’ and surfaces cannot be touched by attendees. The agent (wearing gloves) will open any doors/ cupboards on behalf of attendees
  • Agent to open internal/external doors as appropriate beforehand to minimise risk of surface transmission
  • Property owners/occupants to leave premises during viewing, where possible
  • One private viewing at a time. Viewings to be spaced sufficiently apart to allow time for sanitising after each viewing, as required, and to ensure there is no contact between attendees
  • Maximum of two people from the attendee’s family to attend a private viewing
  • Attendees to wait in their vehicles until agent advises they can enter, to ensure that there is no contact between attendees
  • Only one agent to attend a private viewing
  • Shoes removed prior to entry
  • Physical distance of at least 2 meters to be maintained at all times
  • Agent to wear gloves and hand sanitizer to be available for use by all attendees entering and exiting property
  • Keep private viewings very brief
  • No private viewings at properties where a person living at the property is, or has been in the 14 days prior to the viewing, unwell or is self-isolating
  • Display COVID-19 information and hygiene notices at property
  • Those feeling unwell, have travelled overseas recently, are self-isolating or have been in contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19 may not attend the viewing
  • High-risk people should consider not attending the viewing (e.g. those over 60 or those with other existing medical conditions)
  • Afterwards, sanitize or use antibacterial wipes to wipe down areas attendees may have accidentally touched

Appraisals & Listings

  • Agents may visit the property to conduct an appraisal or evaluation. Agents must adhere to physical distancing (at least 2 meters)
  • Do not attend property if occupants have been overseas recently, are self-isolating or have been in contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19 within the last 14 days
  • Only one agent to attend the property
  • Minimise time at the property
  • Minimise in-person contact with the client/s
  • Clients may take their own videos and photographs for listing purposes. If a photographer or videographer is attending the property, they must:
    • adhere to physical distancing (2m)
    • not attend property if the occupants or buyer have been overseas recently, are self-isolating or have been in contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19 within the last 14  days, or if they or anyone they have been in contact with have been a confirmed case of COVID-19 within the last 14 days
    • minimise their time at the property
    • minimise in-person contact with the client/s
  • Agents must use virtual methods to share new listings with their colleagues

Contracts (at Level 4 restrictions)

  • Contracts should not be executed in person with the estate agent present
  • Contracts can be drawn up digitally and delivered to the client
  • Contracts can be explained and discussed using online technology
  • Signed contracts should be collected by courier

Pre-settlement inspections and purchaser due diligence

  • Where permitted through government sector classification, if a professional (for example, a building inspector, valuer or engineer) is attending the property, they need to:
    • adhere to physical distancing (2m)
    • not attend property if occupants have been overseas recently, are self-isolating or have been in contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19 within the last 14 days
    • limit number of persons at the property (e.g. have professionals attend separately)
    • minimise their time at the property
    • minimise in-person contact with client/s
  • Purchasers should not attend the property with the professional (inspector, etc.). We recommend they join by phone or videoconference if they wish to.
  • Agents who provide the professional with access to the property should wait outside or in one room in the house while the professional works
  • The contact details of any professional visiting the property should be recorded together with the date they attended, to assist with contact tracing
  • Ask the professional to sanitize areas they may have touched – or ask them to wear gloves which can be disposed of immediately after the visit

Settlements and moving

  • Clients moving home should be permitted in accordance with government regulations
  • Agents should arrange for sanitized keys to be provided with no physical contact between any party

Real Estate Offices

  • Workers must work from home where they can
  • Offices to remain closed to the public
  • Display COVID-19 hygiene information and provide hand sanitizer
  • Ensure 2-meter physical distancing measures in place
  • During Level 4 minimize the number of people in office at any one time to 1/3 of the workforce


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