04 March 2019

Looking for reasons to choose RE/MAX? Below are just a few of the reasons why we are able to call ourselves the #1 brand in real estate…

RE/MAX of Southern Africa has over 2,000 agents operating from over 160 offices, servicing over 3,000 suburbs, and licensed in five countries in Southern Africa. In the last six years, we have grown by 640 sales associates. Despite the challenging economy, in the last eight years, we have doubled our sales volume. In 2018 alone, we sold over 20,000 homes and assisted over 40,000 families. We also opened 15 new offices and increased the number of users to our remax.co.za website by 40.13% compared to the previous year.

RE/MAX of Southern Africa is the number one real estate brand in terms of number of homes sold and number of sales associates. Our top 100 agents earned an average of R2.5 million each in commission last year and a total of 1,150 agents received awards for their performance in 2018. To help ensure we have the most productive sales force in the country, we provided over 100 training days and over R60,000,000 in PR Exposure in 2018, because when they win, you win.

RE/MAX of Southern Africa also belongs to a global brand that has more than 120,000 sales associates that operate in over 100 countries – fourteen of which fall within the African continent. Why does this help you? The broader the exposure of a real estate brand, the larger their client base becomes, which improves the chances of securing a fast sale on your home. What’s more, with more than four decades of experience in real estate, all agents under the RE/MAX brand have access to a wealth of knowledge that can help them sell your home most effectively.

RE/MAX is also committed to giving back to the communities it serves, and has subsequently raised over R4,200,000 towards the RE/MAX Foundation – a registered public benefit organization (PBO) – since its inception in 2012. Beneficiaries of the Foundation include The Reach For A Dream Foundation, Sporting Chance, and the Red Cross Children’s Hospital.

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