04 November 2019

Being organised is the new fad of homeownership. Sellers who take advantage of this trend could potentially increase their property’s value and appeal to potential buyers. If your property is lacking storage space, get creative with what you have and add inexpensive built-in features to make your existing storage space more practical and appealing.

If you are selling your home, below are the three ways you can upgrade your storage without spending a fortune:

Declutter & Reorganise
One of the biggest deterrents for potential buyers is a cluttered home. Decluttering a space will always make a home more appealing to potential buyers. And, like it or not, serious buyers are likely to open cupboards to check if there is sufficient storage space. Overfilled wardrobes and kitchen units make it seem as though there isn’t enough storage space in the home. Getting rid of unused items will allow buyers to see exactly how much space is available.   

Enhance Practicality
There are plenty of clever storage trays, dividers, containers, hooks and other tricks that make it easier to organise your storage. For example, a rotating tray in a corner cupboard will make it easier to reach items stored near the back; built-in shoe racks at the bottom of a wardrobe make it easier to store one’s footwear; and, under-cabinet wine glass racks are a great way of freeing up some much-needed cupboard space in the kitchen.  

Reclaim Unused Space
There are so many unused, overlooked spaces in the home that hold huge potential for additional storage. For example, that space underneath the staircase is prime real estate for built-in storage. Built-in shower caddies and mirrored cabinets above the basin could store shampoo bottles and other toiletries that make a bathroom appear clutter.

Upgraded your storage but still struggling to sell?
If your home has been on the market for longer than you would like, click here to get in touch with a trusted real estate advisor from the largest real estate brand in Southern Africa.

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